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Chlorella Growth Factor

Description of Chlorella Extract Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF):

Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF). It is a kind of precious substance obtained from high-quality Chlorella cells by many times of isolation, concentration and extraction. At present, the scientific community has only found growth factor CGF in chlorella, and no other plant in the world has been found to have such a similar biological property. Chlorella growth factor is an extremely precious component extracted from chlorella, containing only 4 grams of CGF per 100 grams. CGF contains quite rich nuclear protein, nucleic acid, a variety of vitamins, free amino acids, polysaccharides, glycoproteins, a variety of plant hormones, etc., is the world's biochemists are highly valued precious nutrients.

Studies have shown that the metabolism of RNA and DNA in the human body gradually slows down with age, leading to a decline in human function and an increased risk of disease. American food expert Dr. Frank long ago recommended the use of nucleic acid-rich chlorella growth factor to ward off the body's "aging caused by various problems."


Specification Sheet of Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF):





Light Yellow powder


Odor & Taste

Fine Algal fragrance  and taste has no odor




Kett's infra-red Moisture meter

Crude Ash


CNS 5034



The decrease in OD560nm after being centrifuged

1% PH Value


PH. meter

OD-260 Value



OD-560 Value



Crude protein


CNS 5035

Heavy Metals


Colorimetric method



GB 5009.11



GB 5009.12



GB 5009.15



GB/T 5009.17

Total Plate Count


CNS 10890



CNS 10984



Function of Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF):

"growth factor" Chlorella C.G.F. produces better cells and fights aging.

1) Japanese Professor Takada's experiments have proved that C.G.F. can improve the regeneration capacity of normal cells by more than 25%, produce better cells and anti-aging.

C.G.F. makes the body look more youthful like a child.

C.G.F. can prolong life. In experiments, at least, taking C.G.F. extended the lives of mice and other animals by about a third.

The results of feeding bees with C.G.F. feed increased the average bee life span from 35 days of age to 60 days of age, achieving a record of 70 percent longer bee life.

The normal human life span is five to seven times longer than the growth period

Calculation method: 25 years ×5 times =125 years

25 years x 7 times =175 years

----C.G.F. can make the intestinal lactobacillus, bifidobacterium and other good bacteria quadruple growth, so C.G.F. It can greatly improve intestinal function.

The Royal Society of Medicine reports that 90% of all diseases, including cancer, are caused by acidity and too much "harmful bacteria" in the gut.

Russian biologist Eli Metchnikoff, Nobel Prize winner in medicine, who first proposed that "the phenomenon of human aging is caused by chronic poisoning caused by the secretion of toxins in the intestine." The point of view.

2) Nucleoproteins in the human body help cells to constantly renew, repair and grow naturally. Nucleoprotein components in the human body gradually decrease after a third of the life cycle, green algae growth factor C.G.F. There are quite a few nucleoproteins, which are necessary to repair human organs.

C.G.F. can quickly replenish energy and restore physical fitness for patients who are physically weak, recovering, candidates who stay up late, brain workers, athletes, film industry practitioners, vegetarians.

C.G.F. promotes healthy development in children. Dr. Yamagishi, Professor Takada of the University of Tokyo, Japan, has demonstrated in primary school experiments that C·G·F· can significantly promote children's healthy growth in endurance, physical strength, intelligence and height.

3) Regular use of green algae tablets or growth factor C.G.F., body function significantly enhanced.

C.G.F. has the effect of detoxification, the Japanese study found that the S-nucleoic acid contained in C.G.F. is conducive to the recovery of red blood cells, and effectively eliminates cadmium, the toxin of the century Dioxin.

C.G.F. can enhance the body's self-resistance, which is very important for middle-aged and elderly people, especially helpful for blood sugar disorders.

C.G.F. 's glycoprotein enhances immunity and promotes the function of white blood cells to engulf bacteria.

4) C.G.F. has obvious inhibitory effect on bacteria and bacteria in the body and malignant tumor cells. It has therapeutic effects on liver tumors, leukemia and tumors caused by hormones, such as breast cancer.

5) C.G.F. is known as the sixth nutrient

C.G.F. causes normal cells to proliferate.

C.G.F. will make the function of the network cells specialized in eating bacteria and viruses strong, in other words, the resistance to viruses or bacteria will be strengthened, so it is not easy to get cold or some diseases caused by viruses.


Application of Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF):

(1) Nutritional additives - provide high content of protein, chlorophyll, vitamins, minerals, nucleic acids.

(2) Function: enhance human immune function; antiviral infection and proliferation; inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells; rapid repair of body damage; eliminate toxins in the body; inhibit the rise of blood pressure and blood sugar; reduce serum cholesterol content

(3) as food coloring extract

(4) Feed - fish and shrimp open bait

(5) Cosmetic raw materials

PREVIOUS:Mannitol NEXT:N-Ethyl-D-Glucamine



Name: Selina




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